Below are writing samples from various times over the course of my career. None of these are for sale and I retain the rights on each of them. Some of them were written more than 20+ years ago during my time as the senior writer at, a once high-flying start-up that went bust in 2000 during the dot com boom.
If Not Now When — My first viral piece about the job search. This article was featured on hundreds of websites during an age before social media. It got so much attention because it advocated a different kind of job search.
Coming Home: A Daddy Dilemma — I enjoyed writing about fatherhood. It is a perspective not often seen in the online world of Mommy blogs. This one was written when our children were little (those were the days!). It was featured on a parenting site and received very positive reviews.
Sex, Jobs and Rock’n Roll — This was another fun one to write and it taught me a great deal about interviewing and keeping sources private. It is just as fun to read now because of how technology has advanced since this was written — and how the problem remains and in fact may even be worse than ever.
Active URLs:
Heroes of the 18th Century Christmas — My Merry Christmas
King Bluetooth of Denmark — Westover Family History